Monday, 30 December 2013

food causes obesity

Does fast food cause Obesity?

In some ways, fast food does play a part in obesity. Fatty foods = fatty bodies. But it is not all the fast food places fault. The people who eat there choose to eat there, and you can buy other things that are very fatty too. Fast food tends to be very high in calories, fats, sugars, simple carbs, and poor in nutrients. As a result, it is often related to weight gain and obesity.

What kind of food causes Obesity?

Foods that are high in fat and carbohydrates cause obesity, but only if the amount obtained is more than the recommended daily amount. E.G. cooking with butter, chocolate and other types of junk food.

Why it is fast food companies fault for Obesity?

Their fault. Many restaurants back in the 50's and 60's served high-fat treats -the only difference is that they now serve bigger portion sizes and many people do not practice moderation and choose to eat fast food very often.
What food causes obesity?

The food having cholesterol in its composition causes obesity.


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